Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! by Mark Yarnell

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Title: Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams!

Author: Mark Yarnell

Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams!

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Synopsis: How to Keep the Dream Alive!Network marketing is one of the fastest-growing career opportunities in the United States. Millions of people just like you have abandoned dead-end jobs for the chance to achieve the dream of growing their own businesses. What many of them find, however, is that the first year in network marketing is often the most challenging—and, for some, the most discouraging. Here, Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, two of the industry's most respected and successful professionals, offer you strategies on how to overcome those first-year obstacles and position yourself for lifelong success. The Yarnells provide you with a wealth of savvy advice on everything you need to know to succeed in network marketing, such as proven systems for recruiting, training, growing and supporting your downline, and much more. In an easy, step-by-step approach, you will learn how to: ·Deal with rejection ·Recruit and train ·Avoid overmanaging your downline ·Remain focused ·Stay enthusiastic ·Avoid unrealistic expectations ·Conduct those in-home meetings ·Ease out of another professionYou owe it to yourself to read this inspiring book! This will be the Bible of Network Marketing.— Doug Wead, former special assistant to the president, the Bush Administration
Selbstbehauptung: SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DAS PRAXISBUCH! Wie Sie in 15 Tagen Ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen stärken, höflich nein sagen und Grenzen setzen, im Beruf erfolgreich verhandeln und auch privat Ihre Wünsche durchsetzen: (inkl. Glaubenssätze verändern die Selbstbehauptung verhindern) (Selbstbehauptung, nein sagen, Grenzen setzen, durchsetzen, Durchsetzungsvermögen, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstbewusstsein stärken, sich durchsetzen, Verhandlungstechniken), Ausgabe 3

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