Everything Tastes Better with Garlic: Positively Irresistible Recipes by Sara Perry

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Title: Everything Tastes Better with Garlic: Positively Irresistible Recipes

Author: Sara Perry

Everything Tastes Better with Garlic: Positively Irresistible Recipes

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Synopsis: Wake up and smell the stinking rose—with more than 65 delicious ways to celebrate glorious garlic. Sara Perry shares her favorite recipes for everything from classic Caesar Salad to tangy Beef Tenderloin with Port Garlic Sauce to flagrantly daring Nervy, Heavenly Garlic Ice Cream. With its powerful flavor and surprising ability to mix well with others, garlic makes for pastas with punch; soups and salads that have something important to say; meats, poultry, and seafood that rise up and sing; and vegetables with enough talent to be the main attraction. Whether mashed, minced, chopped, crushed, or sliced, garlic always shows off its distinctive flavor, from tried and true Old-Fashioned Garlic Bread to Perry originals like Forty-Cloves-and-Who's-Counting Chicken and Chilled Cucumber Soup with Garlic and Mint. For garlic gourmands, there's a handy resource guide with farms and garden sources, a year-round calendar of garlic festivals, and tips on interesting books and Web sites. With recipes this delicious, no one will need convincing: Everything Tastes Better With Garlic.
Selbstbehauptung: SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DAS PRAXISBUCH! Wie Sie in 15 Tagen Ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen stärken, höflich nein sagen und Grenzen setzen, im Beruf erfolgreich verhandeln und auch privat Ihre Wünsche durchsetzen: (inkl. Glaubenssätze verändern die Selbstbehauptung verhindern) (Selbstbehauptung, nein sagen, Grenzen setzen, durchsetzen, Durchsetzungsvermögen, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstbewusstsein stärken, sich durchsetzen, Verhandlungstechniken), Ausgabe 3

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