The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health: Dr. Rau's Diet for Whole Body Healing by Thomas Rau

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Title: The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health: Dr. Rau's Diet for Whole Body Healing

Author: Thomas Rau

The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health: Dr. Rau's Diet for Whole Body Healing

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Synopsis: Now in paperback: a world-renowned physician shares the secrets that draw international clients to his clinic. For almost 50 years, people have traveled to the Paracelsus Clinic in the Swiss Alps. There, Dr. Thomas Rau's unique diet rejuvenates his clients, while preventing and curing illness. Lauded as the Mozart of medicine, Dr. Rau is the world's foremost practitioner of biological medicine. At last, he reveals his unique Swiss health plan- a proven program based on the latest medical research that will: ? Purify the body ? Regulate pH balance ? Strengthen the immune system ? Encourage healing ? Prevent illness ? Help readers feel young and energetic-in body and mind Proven effective time and again, Dr. Rau's program can reduce or even eliminate a lifetime of toxins, alleviate chronic conditions like allergies, arthritis, and diabetes, and promote weight loss and overall well-being. With Dr. Rau's Swiss program, everyone can begin to enjoy the numerous health benefits of the Swiss Secret.
Selbstbehauptung: SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DAS PRAXISBUCH! Wie Sie in 15 Tagen Ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen stärken, höflich nein sagen und Grenzen setzen, im Beruf erfolgreich verhandeln und auch privat Ihre Wünsche durchsetzen: (inkl. Glaubenssätze verändern die Selbstbehauptung verhindern) (Selbstbehauptung, nein sagen, Grenzen setzen, durchsetzen, Durchsetzungsvermögen, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstbewusstsein stärken, sich durchsetzen, Verhandlungstechniken), Ausgabe 3

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